In Acts chapters 1–2 Luke records a pivotal moment in the life of the disciples and all those who had gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost. We read that once the people accepted the message that God had made Jesus, who was crucified and now risen, Lord and Messiah, they were baptized. They then devoted themselves to the apostle’s teachings, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer.
Then we get to verse 46 of chapter 2 and that’s where we may have problems. We were all into the story up until this point. Jesus rose from the dead. Yeah! He appeared to His disciples. Yeah! He gave them some final commands. Yeah! He promised to send the Holy Spirit. Yeah! The Holy Spirit comes. Yeah! All those who accepted the message that Christ was Lord and Messiah and in response repented and were baptized were also filled. Yeah! And these new followers of Christ devoted themselves to the apostles teaching. Yeah! Well… wait… how often did they do this? Here it goes… you ready?
Acts 2:46a
Everyday? Really? As in every 24 hours? Monday thru Monday? And this serves as an example for me to follow? You sure? If you are asking these questions you probably have what I call the WHEN! Issue.
- You are the single mother who has to do it all from A–Z.
- The career woman who is required to travel most nights of the week most months of the year.
- Or perhaps you’re the widow whose lifestyle has changed so much that all the adjustments and modifications have you going both physically and emotionally from sun up to sundown.
- Then there is the wife/mother, a.k.a. cook, cleaner, taxi driver, tutor, hair dresser, seamstress, and nurse.
- You may be the student trying to wrap this concept of “time management” around your mind and couple it with “make good decisions,” “just say no,” “true love waits,” …and every other life saving cliché adults keep throwing at you.
- And of course there you are with the career and goals who feels your clock is ticking but can hardly imagine adding another thing to your list of responsibilities.
- Or maybe you are the one who everyone can count on to be available given your perceived “freedom”—so you end up being the mentor, confidant, event planner, sitter, care-giver, and volunteer.
…so when someone encourages you to devote yourself to “the apostle’s teachings” or the Word of God, you say, “with all due respect, WHEN?!” “Yes, the people of Acts chapter 2 did it, but I am not in Acts chapter 2! I’m in real life chapter 2016, and I don’t see the space in my life or my day. “
I feel you, sister! You are not alone. This is what helped me: I had to read the entire chapter and focus not only on what they did and how often, but ALSO why and how they did it.
Why – For them to return to the temple day after day was their way of seeing to it that they kept the commitment they had made to follow Christ.
How – Read verse 38. Then read verse 46. They were filled with the Holy Spirit THEN they continued to meet in the temple everyday. They did not move in their own strength. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is what produced not just momentary enthusiasm but an ongoing commitment to learn.
Keep in mind, the goal is not to measure how frequently I’m doing this. The goal is to GROW! And the best way to grow spiritually is to dive in to His word and fellowship with his people EVERYDAY. Believe me, I tried to find another word! But “everyday” is it!
Let’s be real: We would love to just wake up one day and through some passive process of osmosis be these dynamite, on-fire, never defeated, always conquering women of God. That would not be growth. That would be robotics. God doesn’t want to make us follow Him. He allows us to choose to follow Him.
The interesting thing is, we respect this requirement in other areas of our lives. We accept that we have to eat everyday, go to work everyday, sleep everyday, bathe everyday, and practice any craft we seek to master everyday. And when we slack off, we notice. When we remain committed, we notice. So, yes, our spiritual growth is similar in that it too has daily requirements. Habits are involved. Practices are involved. As a member of the Christian faith there are things that we DO to stay spiritually fit and connected: we pray, we journal, we read the Word of God, we are accountable to other Christians. Why? Because of who He is and our desire to remain committed to Him. How? Through the encouragement of other committed believers and the power of the Holy Spirit. WHEN?! Everyday!
I gladly shared this with my friends and family because I know it’s something most Christians struggle with and words like this can go a long way. I needed this just for myself. There are times when I go on a “Jesus freak streak” and easily pray, read His word and spend time with Him and then a time will pass where I question if I’m truly a Christian because the only time I spent with God was a church. It’s the extremes. I try to find balance but reading this, it’s not about balance but about the Holy Spirit. If I would just let Him daily do His work, I could daily do God’s work in seeking His kingdom and all His righteousness first. I do everything else everyday, why not do what’s most important? Thank you for this word! Keep praying. Keep writing. Keep sharing.
Thanks Phylicia. I’m glad you were encouraged. I love the “Jesus freak streak,” ? and I know all too well what you mean!
Keepin’ it daily,
Another powerful lesson Christy. Well said sister Philicia. We all have labels. Yours may be “Jesus freak streak” and has a meaning that only you can identify with but we all can identity with labeling. Mine is ” Push and Play”. Remember the VCR WHEN you wanted to be entertained or satisfied at the time ? All you had to push the tape in push play. But the word of God and the time in fellowship with him should not be a push and play. My fellowship with Him should be everyday , all day not WHEN a crisis happens and I push and play his words for the moment. That’s not a good WHEN !
Thanks Christy , be blessed, keep blessing.
Mine is “He knows my heart” . God knows I love Him so He won’t mind if I skip a day or two or three so on so on. I can spend hours doing things that are meaningless. Just need to move my self out of my way. Thanks for the word.
Thanks for the comment. We have so much in common 😉