In 2 Corinthians the Apostle Paul writes to explain to the Corinthian believers the true nature and high calling of Christian ministry. He speaks of its joys, sufferings, and rewards. In Chapter 7 he expresses an apeal to these believers with these words:
“. . . let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
I found it interesting that this passage says “let us purify ourselves. . .” This means that the process of being cleansed or set apart is not just something God does for us as we sit passively. We too have a role. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” So, yes, there is a cleansing that God alone does in our lives. But there is also an aspect of cleansing that God looks for us to do.
The other day I walked into our upstairs restroom and noticed an army of tiny ants all around the waste asket. When I looked into the waste basket, I saw the remains of an apple- dried, brown, and almost completely covered with these ants.
I wanted the ants dead and gone. I could, therefore, get the bug spray, spray the ants, wait a minute or two, and then wipe up their remains.
Problem solved. Right? Wrong.
Killing the ants and wiping up their remains is only one aspect of this cleansing process. I must get to the root cause of the infestation: the presence of the apple! I can clean and wipe up remains all day everyday, but if I don’t get that rotten, pest and critter attracting apple out of my house, the infestation will recur.And so it is with sin! Paul is encouraging these believers to rid themselves of everything that contaminates. Everything. Unrighteousness is one thing. But with unrighteousness comes an invitation for our Enemy and his followers to invade. When we step outside of the will of God we have to deal with our act of disobedience and the pests and critters allowed to crawl through the cracks and crevices the disobedience created.
That day I had to deal with the stench and unsightly presence of the rotten apple and the pests that this rotten apple attracted.
So yes, if I confess my sin to God He will forgive me and cleanse me of that sin. But it is my responsibility, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to implement strategies, create boundaries, and seek accountability so that the option of committing that same sin again is met with conviction and I am better equipped to resist.
Have you gotten the rotten apple out of your house? Or are you just spraying and fumigating and setting traps only to experience brief moments of freedom before the infestation is evident again? Have you employed different types of waste management rather than choosing waste elimination? We designate a spot for the trash, and with no intention of completely ridding ourselves of it, we instead buy air freshener, shut that part of our lives off to guests, and when parts of it start seeping out, we shove it back into the closet of our hearts and minds.
One question: how is that working out for you?
It is exhausting. I found it easier to just take out the trash! Go through your house, your marriage, your courtships, your heart, your wallet, your computer, your phone, your bank statements, and completely take out the trash! Until you do, it’s only a matter of time before those invitations to invade are received by our Enemy and the RSVP will be Yes!
What does “getting rid of the rotten apple” look like practically speaking? I thought you’d never ask: move, put him out, change your phone number, unfollow, unfriend, stop calling, zip it up, cover it up, cut it up, say no, stay home, go to therapy, read a book.
We are blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit alive within us, the gift of prayer, the ever-living Seed of the Word of God, as well as other believers to seek for counsel, encouragement, and accountability. It is my prayer that we make strides as we “purify ourselves from everything that contaminates” in order that we may bring Him Glory!
We have all heard the saying AN APPLE A DAY” Will help keep the doctor away. What about An Apple a day will help keep SATAN away. We all have or have had rotten apples in our lives. Oops let me speak for myself Christy. More than Sandra may care to reveal. The key is committing to doing what it takes to get rid of the pest right down to the rotten CORE. Commit to an Apple a Day by reading his word Daily and planting new Seeds that will produce good apples that won’t sit around to become rotten. It may take me longer than a day. Maybe some weeks/months/ years. I’m being honest. Just sayin. The important thing is to start Cleaning. Amen??