At my pharmacy we received a prescription for Tamiflu for a child. I informed the parents that the dosage the doctor had written for needed to be ordered.
The next afternoon, our order came in, we filled the medication, and called the mother to let her know it was ready for pick up. She said, “Oh, we no longer need the medication the doctor wrote for.”
“Really? Why is that?” my technician asked.
“Well, we went to the cold/flu section of the grocery store and purchased Theraflu instead. It’s the same or similar, right?”
“No!” “Not at all,” I replied.
This child had evidently tested positive for the influenza virus at the doctor’s office. Tamiflu is an antiviral medication indicated for the eradication of this virus. Theraflu, on the other hand, is a combination of medications designed to treat the symptoms caused by the flu virus and is inappropriate therapy for this condition for two reasons:
- It is not indicated for children this child’s age
- It does not and can not kill the virus this child has, and will, therefore, leave the child infected longer and contagious.
Yes, the Theraflu was readily available. It was less expensive. It had the word “FLU” on the label, for crying out loud. But it was not going to be effective in treating the sickness infecting this child. There was a reason the doctor prescribed Tamiflu and not Theraflu. He knew this child needed more than symptom management. This child needed the virus invading his body to be eradicated, killed, destroyed.
You know what else needs to be be eradicated, killed, destroyed rather than managed? The rule of sin in our lives.
Lets consider what John 3:16 says:
For God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.
God did not spare his own son when it came to saving us from our sin sickness. This scripture says “he gave . . .” God did not send Jesus to just take a beating and go to rehab for recovery. He was sent to shed his blood. To die. To be buried. To rise with all power in His hands. That was the only effective treatment for us. God knew we needed more than a sin management option. He doesn’t want us addressing the symptoms of our sins by trying harder in our own strength, striving to please more people, downing more booze, popping more pills, eating more calories, tolerating more abuse, or falling into more arms. That would lead to us perishing. His desire is that our sin sickness be eradicated, killed, destroyed.
And that happened at Calvary—providing for us the gift of everlasting life.
Don’t settle for cheaper, seemingly more readily available options designed to make you feel better; leaving you infected and contagious as you perish.
Accept His gift of salvation. It’s been prescribed, ordered, prepared, and is ready to be picked up by “whosoever believes in Him.” Not whosoever talks about, respects, or admires. Whosoever believes in Him will not just feel better; they will be better—whole and healthy, having received eternal life.
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