SSS* Week #8
I walked in one day to find my home in ruins!
I wept.
I picked up the phone and called a lady I knew to be resourceful. She told me to “trust God.” I was not exactly sure what that meant from a practical stand point. I was given a phone number and an address and told that if I showed up consistently and took full advantage of all that was being offered, I’d get the results I so desperately desired.
I went.
One day I realized that in the course of time, everything that was “ruined” had been given back and restored! Nothing was missing.
I won.
I know for sure I am not alone in my experience with “a world turned upside down.” Be it the aftermath of a natural disaster, the trauma of a sudden death, the shock of a diagnosis, or the unrelenting sting of a broken relationship, most, if not all of us, can relate. Turns out, so can David.
The Philistine rulers did not trust Achish’s claim that David would remain loyal to their army. At their request, David was dismissed from the Philistine army and told to return to Ziklag. Upon arrival, David and his men saw their town in ruins! The Amalekites had raided Ziklag and taken away their wives, children, and possessions.
David wept.
“But . . .” as we read in 1 Samuel 30:6b, from David’s next move he “. . . found strength in the Lord his God.” He had the priest Abiathar to bring him the ephod so that he could call on someone he knew to be resourceful. He prayed asking God what his next move should be. God assured him that he was to pursue the Amalekites and that if he did this he would achieve the desired result of overtaking them.
David went.
1 Samuel 30:17-19 says, “David fought them from dark until the evening of the next day . . . recovered everything . . . [and] nothing was missing . . .”
David won.
If you have walked in and found your life in ruins, go ahead and weep. It’s ok to feel, acknowledge that it hurts, and respond accordingly.
Next, call upon someone we all know is resourceful: Jesus Christ. From a practical standpoint this means to pray. Literally open your mouth and talk to God. Ask Him what your next move should be. He will hear your prayer. He will answer your prayer.
Then go! That Godly friend you can trust . . . go to her. That phone number someone gave you to call . . . call it. That activity you know to be revitalizing . . . engage. Just as I called who I called and David called who he called, you too can reach out and utilize the resources with which God has blessed you.
My mentor promised me that I had every reason to expect victory. I believed that promise and fought as if I did. The Lord promised David that He would overtake the Amalekites. He believed that promise and fought as if he did.
The book of Samuel opens with the birth of Samuel, and before it closes with the death of Saul, it tells us a great deal about the life and heart of David. In doing so, this book teaches us to prefer the promises that come from God over any promise this world falsely claims to be in a position to offer. In times of trouble and disaster, David continued to trust in God’s timing and His promises. Let’s follow suit.
We may have to fight for years, months, weeks, “from dusk until the evening of the next day.” All the while, keep in mind God’s promise of victory! I don’t mind fighting when I know I’m going to win!
You may be weeping today, but rest assured, as you rehearse, believe, and fight as if you believe His promises, one day you will weep no more.
You will have won!
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*SSS: Spending the Summer In Samuel
- Reading Assignment for Week #9 (July 21st – July 26th): 2 Samuel 1-5
- Week 9 Journal Questions for 2 Samuel 1-5
- 1 & 2 Samuel Outline
Love you and your family. Keep up the good works.
Have a great and blessed day ?in the LORD ?
This is such a good and relevant word for me! Thank you for allowing the Almighty God to use you to encourage others.