“The flu vaccine causes the flu.”
Either you believe this yourself or you know someone who does.
The sad thing is, it’s a myth. It is simply not true.
The viruses in the flu shot are killed and in the nasal spray vaccine the virus is weakened so that neither one can cause the flu.
What I have seen happen often is that someone will catch a cold and conclude that the vaccine was the culprit.
Some people may catch the flu shortly after they’re vaccinated, not because of the vaccine, but because of exposure to the virus prior to the lapsing of the 2 weeks that it takes for the body to build up full immunity.
What does cause the flu?
The flu virus causes the flu. Period.
You must be exposed to the virus itself. By exposed, I’m referring to coming into contact with the tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze, or talk.
I know many are thinking, “Whatever! I know for sure I only get sick when I take that darn vaccine!”
As a healthcare professional, I am on the brink of giving up on my commitment to dispell this myth. If people want to believe it, so be it! I still love you!
But as a Christian, there is one myth I can’t let the people I love keep on believing.
Our dear sister Eve introduced this myth in the book of Genesis while in the Garden of Eden shortly after she ate the apple.
In chapter 3 verse 13 she says, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
There it is. That myth: “the devil made me do it.”
We either believe it ourselves or we know someone who does.
Hear this: If you are a Christian and you commit a sin, the devil did not make you do it. He may have tempted and/or influenced us to do it. But he did not make us do it. We still had a choice. Even better, we still have a choice. God never allows us to be tempted beyond our ability to withstand, and He always provides a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).
What does cause sin?
We do. Us and our choices. Period.
Galatians 5:19-21 says, “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, … jealousy, fits of anger, envy, … drunkenness, … and things like these.”
It says, the “works of the flesh” and not the works of the devil.
The good news is 2 Peter 1:3 assures us that we have everything we need for life and godliness. Furthermore, 1 John 4:4 says “[we] are from God and . . . He who is in [us] is greater than he who is in the world.”
We do not have to go on living a defeated life convinced that we do not have the power or the ability to do better or be better because we live in a sin-sick world with a devil that has it out for us. That is a myth. It is simply not true.
Just as the flu vaccine DOES NOT cause the flu, the devil CAN NOT make you sin. You DO have a choice! You CAN walk in victory!
Listen … even if you choose to reject Fluzone, the vaccine, don’t reject Jesus the Christ.
You may get the flu, but at least you’ll have the power to live for Him on Earth and privilege of living with Him in eternity!
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