Hello Friend,
If you have not already, now is a great time to do so.
Do what?
Read your Bible.
Yes, that ancient text with those tiny words written on that tissue paper-like substance.
The good news is that, today, in 2019, we have so many ways to access the Good News. We can “Google” a passage on our phones. We can open a children’s Bible and take advantage of the pictures and basic language used to tell the message inside. We can even refer to video and/or audio formats.
Having a daily experience with Scripture is simply a good idea. Try it. Today.
Are you excited and appreciate the gentle nudge to dive in? No problem!
I’ve been given these nudges countless times myself!
Or . . . perhaps one of the following more accurately communicate your current situation:
- You don’t know where to start? Got it!
- Start here:
- You don’t feel like it? I hear you! Absolutely no judgement here.
- Read it anyway.
- You don’t usually feel any different after you read a passage of scripture? Been there!
- Read it anyway.
- You plan on reading this post and completely ignoring the charge to read? No worries! I’ve been there too!
- I’m encouraging you anyway.
In Love,
Amen. Read the Bible every day. Sharing time in His Word is good for everyone. Have a blessed day! 🙂