When God is ready to allow you to experience Him in a new way He will oftentimes put you in a situation out of which only he can get you. Trial after trial; “no” after “no;” one disappointment after another.
Before you give up, consider the children of Israel at the Red Sea.
In Exodus chapter 14, we read that God himself led them to the Red Sea. God himself hardened Pharaoh’s heart. This tells us that WHILE they were in His will He chose to lead them right to a dead end: namely, the Red Sea.
He did this because He had plans to part the Red Sea.
Parting the Red Sea would allow them to see God move in a way that only He can move.
Seeing God part the Red Sea could establish trust in Him and affirm that He is a God who is able to do more than they could ever imagine.
Seeing Him part the Red Sea is for them to witness just how powerful and majestic and able He is.
Not to mention being at the Red Sea led them to cry out to God. God can use these hard situations to get us to cry out to and depend on Him in a way that we otherwise would not.
Notice also that the Israelites called out to God AND they complained to Moses. The situation they were in created some conflict within them. This happens.
We do the same thing. We cry out to God and we complain to man.
Don’t beat yourself up for reaching out as you cry out!—even if your “reaching out” involves whining, complaining, doubting, and wailing.
That’s the nature of what we call a dilemma. The nature of God is such that He will hear your cry and resolve your dilemma.
I don’t know what Red Sea you are facing today. All I know is according to Exodus 14:14 the “. . . Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
Sounds cheesy. Sounds cliché. May even sound too simple. The Israelites felt the same way in verse 10. But by the time they got to verse 21 they felt that “strong east wind” as “the Eternal parted the sea.” Next thing you know they “went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground.”
That part right there is what gives us hope!
Hold on, my sister. Keep reading. Verse 21, that part . . . yeah . . . it’s coming!
I just love how God works. Some may call it a coincidence. But I know it as God speaking to me. Thanks for letting him use you.
Yes, girl!! He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. He and His Word are always right on time 😉