I felt overwhelmed.
About what?
It does not matter. What matters is that I felt it. I had a choice: I could wallow in it or I could do something to change it. (By “it” I’m not referring to the situation. I’m referring to my response to the situation.) I chose the latter. I ran myself some bath water. I lit candles. I turned on music. It was my favorite playlist of contemporary Christian songs. I turned off all the major lights in the house. I got in the bathtub and I took a deep breath. I listened to the words of each song. Each passage of scripture sung. Each Truth rhythmically declared. Each Biblical principle uttered at a cadence my heart needed.
It was wonderful! It was free. It was without regret. It was simple. It was profound.
It was my way of putting my mind, my affections, my attention on God.
It was worship.
Do you have a plan of action for when you feel overwhelmed? If not, get one. If you aren’t sure where to start, consider some of the ideas I mentioned that worked to get me back to a place of serenity; a place where I was reminded of how big, how real, and how good God is.
We all get overwhelmed. Problems need solving. Decisions need making. Steps need taking. And before you know it, it is just more than we feel we can manage!
Take action! Nothing big. You have enough “big stuff” going on as it is. Do something easy, yet pleasurable. (Like taking a bubble bath.) Do something small, yet lovely. (Like lighting a few candles.) Do something unusual, yet nice. (Like playing soothing, uplifting, encouraging, music on a Wednesday night at 9pm just because.)
It’s wonderful. It’s free. It leaves no regrets. It’s simple, yet profound. It is you finding a way to place your mind, your affections, your attention on God.
It’s Worship.
” . . . the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” John 4:23
Joanne Viola says
It is amazing how worship can turn our focus on Whom it belongs and put every situation into perspective. Beautiful reminder!
Christy says
Thanks Joanne for reading and commenting! #worshipworks
Melissa Henderson says
When I am overwhelmed, I find peace in worship time with God. Thinking about Him and sharing conversation with Him relaxes me and brings me joy.
Christy says
Thank you Melissa! #worshipworks