One morning, I video-chatted with my mother while her nurse dressed her. Moments later, she said, “Christy, I am heading to activities. I must get off this phone!” Yes, after only a few minutes, our conversation ended.
My prayer has been that she bonds with her new neighbors. I’ve heard that these types of connections help dementia patients thrive even as the disease progresses.
But I miss long conversations. I miss being the one with whom she is active. I miss seeing her dress herself.
What I do not miss are her unmet needs.
What I hope I never miss are moments like this, where even in the midst of the mundane, a promise is captured.
As shared by the Apostle and kept by the Almighty: God will meet our needs.
Just as He was able to bless Paul faithfully,
“…God is able to bless [her] abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that [she] needs, [she too] will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8
That was indeed a moving moment.
I am in awe of God’s goodness. Grateful for “exceedingly abundantly” more than we could ask or imagine. ❤️
I love this and how God is answering your prayers. I’m sending a hug and prayers that God continues to meet her needs and cover you and your family. ❤️