Have you ever had a long, hard day? Has your phone ever rung with bad news on the other end? Have you ever been laid off, dumped, had a health scare? Have you ever hurt someone you love? Have you ever been mistreated, abused, abandoned, or ignored? Have you ever had more month than money, more problems than solutions, and more drama than a little bit? If you answered “yes” to one or more of those questions, you and I have something in common: a need for some help! Turns out, Continue Reading
Preparation for the Promise
The alarm sounded. It was time to get up and get moving. I went to my oldest daughter’s room to pull her out of bed. As I pressed her body up against mine, I felt some pain in my right breast. My initial thought was that tenderness was not rare for some women during certain times of the month. I usually don’t have that issue, but hey, it happens. So I carried on. I got the kids ready and decided to get myself ready next. Before putting on my shirt, I palpated the area where I felt the tenderness Continue Reading
Worried? Scared? Angry?
[email protected] Here is the audio version of this week's Thursday's Thirst QuencHer! Many of you informed me that the audio link was inaccessible in the original post. Above is a link to my website where the post is ready to be heard. Once on the site, just click on the triangle icon at the top of the post. My prayer is that you listen, share, and are Transformed by His Word. Thanks for your support! Be Blessed! Continue Reading