Every now and again I have to remind my children who has what role in this house. I tell them “Daddy and I are the parents. You are the child. We assume these roles with these tasks and you assume those roles and those tasks.” Then, sometime later, they began to mix up who is who and who can do what and again we review. Such is life. Turns out, my children are not the only ones guilty of misunderstanding who is who in the story of life. I, too, have some issues. I realized this while Continue Reading
Daniel’s name was changed to Belteshazzar. Hananiah’s name was changed to Shadrach. Mishael’s name was changed to Meshach. Azariah’s name was changed to Abenego. During Judah’s time in Babylonian captivity, Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon ordered these name changes in an effort to strip these noble men of their identity as members of the tribe of Judah (Daniel 1:7). Their new names suggested a change in status. Nebuchadnezzar’s ultimate goal was to shift the religious loyalty of Continue Reading
It’s The Fall
When my daughter was a baby, she used to throw herself flat on the floor at the sound of the word “no.” This was an attempt to persuade authority figures to give her her way. It seemed to come out of nowhere! She’d literally fall to the floor, have her fit, then, when she was done, the “no” would still be there waiting for her embrace. In scripture we read about another person who, one day, out of nowhere, just fell. Turns out, his motive was a wee bit different than my daughter's. Mark Continue Reading