If you’ve been to a roller-skating rink with children under the age of 10 in the past 2 years, you’ve probably seen a roller-skating walker. This tool is used to help new skaters learn how to skate without the fear of falling. When I first saw one, I was so excited! I could hand one to each of my girls who had zero skating skills and they could take off. Recently we attended a skating party and when we made it to the counter to rent their skates, I asked the guy if they had any walkers. He Continue Reading
They Did It!
The idea of going to their first swim class was so exciting to my daughters. But when they realized that this would involve them getting their faces wet, their feelings quickly changed! I sat on the other side of the pool behind a glass wall and watched my girls go from smiles and cheers to tears and fears. By the time the class was over, they both were begging me to never make them come back. When I shared these details with my husband, I sensed that he was troubled at the idea of paying for Continue Reading
Worried? Scared? Angry?
(Click on the link above to listen to the audio version of this blog) Worried? Scared? Angry? I am. To be completely open and honest, there are three issues in particular that seem to have recently become increasingly triggering for me. They are marriage and family, the next United States presidential election, and racism. Many Christians feel that marriage and the family are under attack. Then I hear of citizens who feel there are no good options to choose on the next ballot. And the latest Continue Reading