(If you're reading via email, click here to listen to the audio version of today's post.) “…And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). “All things”? Can you think of some things from which you don’t anticipate any good coming? Perhaps the death of a loved one, struggles with addiction, a troubled marriage, depression, the loss of a job—the list could go on and on. Yet, here it is in scripture, Continue Reading
(If you're reading via email, click here to listen to the audio version of today's post.) “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” And several refrains later…you guessed it, it reads: “His love endures forever.” Psalm 136 is the only psalm that repeats the same refrain after each verse. Twenty-six times to be exact. Exciting! Right? If you’re thinking, “not really!” you are not alone. My husband taught a lesson on this psalm to his Continue Reading
Let Them Be
What are you going to do about that lovely person in your life who keeps on doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results? Or that co-worker who has more drama than a little bit! Then there’s that girlfriend with that guy! All he has to do is apologize again, buy her something relatively nice, and she grants chance # infinity. Or what about that neighbor who seems to intentionally strategically implement ways to get under your skin? What are you going to do with these Continue Reading