I work in a retail setting. Translation: I serve the public and on any given day any given person with any given personality, attitude, hang-up, mood, or body odor is more than welcomed to grace me with their presence. For the most part, my clientele is nothing short of lovely. There are, of course, exceptions. My recent encounter was one of those exceptions. A lady asked for me to fill only one of the two prescriptions she dropped off. “Yes, ma’am,” I said. Then she asked me (and I use the Continue Reading
The Possession vs The Person
The other day while sitting in church I was convinced my mother had entered the room. Yes, she lives hundreds of miles away, but y’all… I heard her! I heard that voice, in that octave, at that cadence that only she was capable of uttering! It was her bellowing that oh-so-familiar warning: “Don’t you ask me that again, [Christy]!!” Then I snapped out of it and realized it was actually my pastor reading God’s words to Moses in Deuteronomy 3:25-26. God had made it clear that Moses would not Continue Reading
Dear Ashamed
To Whom It May Concern: If you really knew me, you would not love me. And I don't want to lose you and your love, so I can't dare show you the real me. That's why I lie. That's why I smile when I want to cry. That's why I say yes when I want to say no and no when I want to say yes. That's why I spend when I should save; suck in when I really want to exhale; manipulate; cover up; drink up and show up when I would rather be home in bed. It’s exhausting. The idea of being free of secrets and Continue Reading