It is amazing how heavy my limbs feel as the household duties start to pile up. Or how I all of a sudden want to randomly chat with a friend the closer I get to the deadline for an assignment. And my “really quick sneak peeks” at the latest social media feeds usually turn into 30 to 45 minutes of me scrolling mindlessly when I could have used that time to do something a wee bit more productive. Or how about the difficult interaction with a colleague I keep reliving when I could be in bed Continue Reading
Give Me Prayer
Is prayer a priority? Or is it an option? Is prayer something you must do? Or something you can do? For me, I would say it is a priority. Talking to God is something that I must do! In theory, that is. After some reflection, I realize that in practice, I treat prayer more like an option. I go to God with my deepest concerns . . . eventually. My tendency is to have the experience, feel some type of way about it, then pick up the phone and call someone. This course of action is not wrong Continue Reading
And Pray . . .
The opening chapters of Ephesians describe how we have been blessed with all sorts of what Pastor John MacArthur calls supernatural spiritual benefits. According to chapter 1, we are redeemed (verse 7). According to chapter 2, we are God’s masterpieces (verse 10). Chapter 3 reminds us that we are fellow heirs of an eternal inheritance (verse 6). Then chapter 4 comes along and challenges us to “live a life worthy of the calling we have received” (Ephesians 4:1). In other words, live Continue Reading