When I consider what I’ve seen on social media, what I’ve heard on television, what I’ve read in books, and what I desire in my own heart, I think it’s safe to conclude that many of us want to live our “best life.” There are hashtags, songs, apparel, and even line dances all celebrating and encouraging people to live life to the fullest. I’m sure we all understand that no one’s life will be perfect. Stuff happens. The abandonment, the loss, the betrayal, the unexpected and unfortunate stuff Continue Reading
A Quote From “The Purchase”
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The Purchase
My daughter’s gift of losing jackets is a direct threat to my sanity, my well-being, and my goal to stay out of the judicial court system. I will not tell you how many jackets we have purchased in her 3 short years as a student at a school. What I will say is that the last time she lost her jacket, she walked out of this house cold! Partly because I wanted to teach her a lesson, partly because we literally had zero jackets left to give her, but mainly because I REFUSE to purchase another jacket Continue Reading