____________________ Would you like to schedule Christy for an event? Book Now Continue Reading
TransformHer with a Word
____________________ Would you like to schedule Christy for an event? Book Now Continue Reading
My daughter’s gift of losing jackets is a direct threat to my sanity, my well-being, and my goal to stay out of the judicial court system. I will not tell you how many jackets we have purchased in her 3 short years as a student at a school. What I will say is that the last time she lost her jacket, she walked out of this house cold! Partly because I wanted to teach her a lesson, partly because we literally had zero jackets left to give her, but mainly because I REFUSE to purchase another jacket Continue Reading
Dear Sisters & Subscribers, Thank you all so much for your support and prayers as we strive to get the word regarding The Word out to as many people as possible. Our plan is to continue to do just that in a number of new and exciting ways in 2019. We will, therefore, spend the next several weeks praying and preparing to accomplish this goal. Until then, it is my sincere prayer that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Love, Continue Reading