Hello Faithful Subscribers! I find no pleasure in not having a weekly blog to share. But life happened this week. And I have enjoyed every second of it! I have slept in, eaten junk food, been to the park, the pool, the skating rink, and we have plans to do even more as the weekend approaches. That being said, I do not have a formal post for you this week. What I do have is this reminder: I love each one of you for your support and I hope and pray you tune in next week for Thursday's Thirst Continue Reading
Give Me Prayer
Is prayer a priority? Or is it an option? Is prayer something you must do? Or something you can do? For me, I would say it is a priority. Talking to God is something that I must do! In theory, that is. After some reflection, I realize that in practice, I treat prayer more like an option. I go to God with my deepest concerns . . . eventually. My tendency is to have the experience, feel some type of way about it, then pick up the phone and call someone. This course of action is not wrong Continue Reading
May I Please Have Your Attention
In Numbers 21 we read about the bronze serpent. As a judgment against the people of Israel for their sin, God sent poisonous serpents into the camp. As people began to die, the survivors came to Moses to confess their sins and ask for God's mercy. Moses prayed. God, being the great teacher he is, told Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole so the people could be healed. Mind you, it made no sense at all to expect to heal from a snakebite by gazing upon a bronze image. This was, Continue Reading