Confession: I oftentimes roll my eyes when I hear people from previous generations go on and on and on about “the good ol’ days.” I just read Judges chapter 19. This grotesque series of events involving a Levite and his concubine have me convinced the “good ol’ days” must have started after 1000 BC, when these passages were recorded, and ended in 1981, the year I was born. For “in those days Israel had no king; [and much like today] everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). Talk about Continue Reading
Let’s Glide
My daughter recently went on a field trip with her kindergarten class to a butterfly exhibit at The Museum of Natural Science. She came back and shared an interesting fact, which has resonated with me ever since. She learned that monarch butterflies take advantage of the updrafts of warm air, called “thermals” and glide as they migrate from the United States and Canada to Florida and Mexico. This allows them to preserve the energy required for flapping their wings all through a long 2500-mile Continue Reading
Yes and No
You have a desire that has gone unmet. You see everyone else walking through opened doors while you ice the bruises left by all the doors slammed in your face. Why can’t you get a good job, marry a great spouse, or have a cute baby? Why can’t your health be up to par, your bank accounts be in the black, and your family be intact? In 1 Samuel chapter 1 we read about a lady named Hannah who knows all too well how you are feeling. Unlike her oh-so-fertile rival, Peninnah, she was barren. One Continue Reading