(If reading via email, click here to listen to the audio version of this blog post.) A dam is a barrier used to retain, collect, or store water, which can then be evenly distributed between locations. Dams don’t stop rain from falling. They minimize destruction by providing flood control. They also provide hydroelectric power, waste management, river navigation, and wildlife habitat (FEMA.gov). The more I think about a dam and all the ways it benefits the economy, the environment, and Continue Reading
A Good Man
(If reading via email, click here to listen to the audio version of this blog post.) I read a post addressed to abusive men. The overall message was that while this man is behaving badly towards a woman, there is another man ready and willing to be good to her. It gave several examples of poor, disrespectful, degrading behavior abusive men have towards their mates and rebutted those examples with loving, respectful, and honoring deeds another man is ready and willing to provide for the same Continue Reading
Sin Is Still Serious
(If reading via email, click here to listen to the audio version of this blog post.) I chose to discipline my daughter the other day for misbehaving. She later came to me and said, “Mommy, I think you accidently spanked me too hard.” In my defense, my soft light hand merely made slight physical contact with the upper part of her thigh. If you ask me, she was just disturbed at what she perceived to be an inappropriately harsh response to her actions. And you know what? Having read Joshua Continue Reading