(If you're reading via email, click here to listen to the audio version of today's post.) “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” And several refrains later…you guessed it, it reads: “His love endures forever.” Psalm 136 is the only psalm that repeats the same refrain after each verse. Twenty-six times to be exact. Exciting! Right? If you’re thinking, “not really!” you are not alone. My husband taught a lesson on this psalm to his Continue Reading
Go For It
(If you're reading via email, click here to listen to the audio version of today's post.) I tucked my daughter in bed and she said, “Mommy you did not pray with me at bedtime.” I said, “When?” She said, “At bedtime.” I was puzzled. This is bedtime and I was still here in the room. Was she assuming I was about to leave without praying (which I was, but she did not know that). In my defense, please know that I had been traveling the 2 nights prior to this particular night, so that’s why I had Continue Reading
You: The Salt of the Earth
(If you're reading via email, click here to listen to the audio version of today's post.) I recently had a dental procedure and the doctor told me to stop using my current mouthwash and to instead do warm salt rinses 3 times a day until my mouth is healed. He went on to explain that the wound in my mouth would benefit from 3 main characteristics of salt. Salt has antibacterial properties and can therefore minimize the risk for infection. Salt is abrasive. A warm salt solution is gentle Continue Reading