A family friend recently shared about how he has been watching his 9-month old daughter’s endless efforts to pull her self up. She crawls over to the nearest structure, gets a grip, and goes at it. Her goal is to stand. Oftentimes she falls back to the floor. But she tries it all over again. One day her dad noticed something that I find absolutely fascinating. He picked her up by grabbing her the way he has probably every day of her 9-month old life when he realized she was more firm in some Continue Reading
Our . . .
On my ride to work most mornings, I tune in to KHCB, a local radio station that features the sermons of one of my favorite Bible teachers, Dr. Tony Evans. Recently, he taught a lesson that I found very insightful. I’d like to share with you the notes I jotted down after reflecting on one word in particular found in the passage of scripture from which he taught: The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer that Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 6:9-13. There, we find these words: “. . . Our Father in Continue Reading
Preparation for the Promise
The alarm sounded. It was time to get up and get moving. I went to my oldest daughter’s room to pull her out of bed. As I pressed her body up against mine, I felt some pain in my right breast. My initial thought was that tenderness was not rare for some women during certain times of the month. I usually don’t have that issue, but hey, it happens. So I carried on. I got the kids ready and decided to get myself ready next. Before putting on my shirt, I palpated the area where I felt the tenderness Continue Reading