____________________ Would you like to schedule Christy for an event? Book Now Continue Reading
The Purchase
My daughter’s gift of losing jackets is a direct threat to my sanity, my well-being, and my goal to stay out of the judicial court system. I will not tell you how many jackets we have purchased in her 3 short years as a student at a school. What I will say is that the last time she lost her jacket, she walked out of this house cold! Partly because I wanted to teach her a lesson, partly because we literally had zero jackets left to give her, but mainly because I REFUSE to purchase another jacket Continue Reading
Consider What You Know
I arrived at a hotel that had been booked for me by an event planner. I told the lady at the front desk my name. Before I could give her my driver’s license or confirmation number, she said, “Oh, so you are Mrs. Williams, welcome … which card would you like to use for payment?” I said, “My room has already been paid for by the organization with which I am working.” She said, “Oh, ok… let me look into something.” After some time, she asked a co-worker for some assistance. I was then told to Continue Reading