Hello Friend, If you have not already, now is a great time to do so. Do what? Read your Bible. Yes, that ancient text with those tiny words written on that tissue paper-like substance. The good news is that, today, in 2019, we have so many ways to access the Good News. We can "Google" a passage on our phones. We can open a children's Bible and take advantage of the pictures and basic language used to tell the message inside. We can even refer to video and/or audio Continue Reading
Insecurity Still Sucks. Keep Trusting.
Isaiah 41:101 John 8:362 Romans 14:83 John 3:164 Continue Reading
Insecurity Sucks
Insecurity is a beast! I have wrestled with it at varying degrees for as long as I can remember. I think that when I was younger, I thought that with adulthood, braces, and some acne medicine would come some form of resolution for every ounce of insecurity dancing around in my head. Not! In fact, with all of that has come even more tons of “I shouldn’t have . . .,” “What will they think . . .,” “Why did I say that!?,” “I don’t fit in here,” and “Who told me I could (fill in the Continue Reading