When my daughter was a baby, she used to throw herself flat on the floor at the sound of the word “no.” This was an attempt to persuade authority figures to give her her way. It seemed to come out of nowhere! She’d literally fall to the floor, have her fit, then, when she was done, the “no” would still be there waiting for her embrace. In scripture we read about another person who, one day, out of nowhere, just fell. Turns out, his motive was a wee bit different than my daughter's. Mark Continue Reading
That’s All
So . . . let me make sure I have this straight: you have the 1 hour commute to work, the 9 hours at work, the 1 hour commute home from work, family dinner to cook and eat at the table, a 30-minute bedtime routine with the kids, followed by a 30-minute workout, followed by cleaning the kitchen, and taking a shower, checking emails and homework, at least waving at your spouse, just before crawling in to bed—and somewhere along the way you hear that daily Bible reading and prayer and worship as a Continue Reading
Read It
The Bible is not a magic pill that will immediately solve your problems. Opening up the Bible and reading it might not make your phone ring with a job offer on the other end. It might not bring about a cure for your disease. You opening up and reading your Bible might not change the heart and mind of your loved one. It might not take you out of your current messy, hard, unfair situation. It will, however, give you light— the perspective and wisdom needed to go through your situation and come out Continue Reading