Hello Friend, If you have not already, now is a great time to do so. Do what? Read your Bible. Yes, that ancient text with those tiny words written on that tissue paper-like substance. The good news is that, today, in 2019, we have so many ways to access the Good News. We can "Google" a passage on our phones. We can open a children's Bible and take advantage of the pictures and basic language used to tell the message inside. We can even refer to video and/or audio Continue Reading
The Purchase
My daughter’s gift of losing jackets is a direct threat to my sanity, my well-being, and my goal to stay out of the judicial court system. I will not tell you how many jackets we have purchased in her 3 short years as a student at a school. What I will say is that the last time she lost her jacket, she walked out of this house cold! Partly because I wanted to teach her a lesson, partly because we literally had zero jackets left to give her, but mainly because I REFUSE to purchase another jacket Continue Reading
Addition and Subtraction
Addition and subtraction are two of the first math skills taught in school. It usually follows number recognition and counting in most elementary classroom curricula. At this stage, parents, teacher, and students alike all celebrate this skill coming to life in the mind of the child. Â Although it is not my goal to rain on the parade of educators and parents, it is my goal to have you consider the following: we were born with a natural ability to add and subtract. Thank you, parents and Continue Reading