According to the dictionary, to be present is to be with one or others in a specified or understood place at a specified or understood time. During our nation's current pandemic, I am what is considered an "essential worker." As such, while many consider us “heroes,” no school, no playdates, no dinner at their favorite restaurants, the cancelled summer camps, and postponed piano recitals make my trips to work feel more like another cruel unwelcomed reality my young daughters have to deal Continue Reading
The Next Right Thing
It is in the writings of Joshua, Moses' successor as Israel’s leader, that we get great insight into the lives of the 2nd generation of God’s chosen people. In chapter 3 they are at the banks of the Jordan River. Levitical Priests are carrying the Ark of the Covenant, God’s people are following behind, and the River is now the only thing standing between them and possession of the land God had promised their forefathers to give them. I use the term “only” rather loosely, given that this large Continue Reading
The Door Will Be Closing
There we were waiting on the platform in New York City when the subway train we needed pulled up. As the door opened I could hear the automated lady’s voice warn us saying something to the tune of “the doors will be closing… the doors will be closing…” And guess what happened after some designated amount of time? Yep… the doors closed. The only problem for the two of us was I was on the train and my husband was still on the platform! We locked eyes as I glided by aboard and he stood there Continue Reading