From redirecting to reminding…from doing “it” for her to picking up behind her… from meeting with family and leaving with a plan to meeting with doctors and leaving with a diagnosis. It was hard to hear and tempting to challenge. It explained experiences. It triggered emotions. After crossing the T's we were encouraged to cross, we dotted the I's we knew to dot. What remained were unmet needs, unanswered questions, and an unrevealed solution. Unsure of what to do, I did what I was Continue Reading
Hugs in the Valley
Whenever my daughter gets into trouble, with tears streaming down her face, gasping for her next breath, she will ask for a hug. The question is: why does her heart long for us most visibly when it is broken? Perhaps, it is in the crevices of this brokenness that the good news of daddy’s affection for her is realized? Could it be that in this brokenness the good news of mommy’s admiration for her is remembered. Maybe, this is the moment when she suddenly recalls the good news told to her Continue Reading
Alive & Well
It’s been a while, huh? I wanted to drop you all a quick note to let you know that I am alive and well. I have spent copious hours doing many things, including a whole lot of nothing . . . on purpose. Ha! The Bible says, “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens . . .” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). I have enjoyed my season of choosing to offer my presence to those with whom I’m proximate more than I offer my posts to the World Wide Web. I can now Continue Reading