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I used to pick up my daughters and swing them in the air with no problem. I used to give them piggy back rides to bed and swoop them up in car seats with ease. Now, we play tag, they walk to bed, and they hop in the car by themselves. Because, one, they are physically capable. And two, they are now heavy.
What changed?
Their weight changed. They grew. The force pulling them towards the center of the Earth, namely gravity, is stronger than it used to be. I remember learning in physics class that the more an object weighs, the greater its attraction will be to the center of the Earth.
Well, these girls’ attraction is now no joke! My attempts to move them from the ground and up into my arms are met with a greater degree of resistance.
The same toll gravity takes on us physically as we grow in stature will be experienced spiritually as we grow in Christ!
Have you grown in this way? Is your attraction to the Christ stronger than it used to be?
We can bulk up spiritually when we embrace a lifestyle that involves praying for direction, reading our Bibles for wisdom, fellowshipping with other believers for encouragement and accountability, and worshipping Him in response to who He is. The forces of faith and love will pull us toward Him.
In Ephesians 4:6 we read that “His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.” (MSG).
Anything that is trying to pull us away from the reality of Christ and the victory we have in Him can be resisted with some good ‘ole nourishment. Feast away on His Word. Get some seconds from His table of praise. Stuff yourself with all the wisdom He’s serving. Growth will happen. Pretty soon, no one or no thing will be easily picking you up and carrying you away from the Center of your life.
We will be rooted and grounded in Him. The Apostle Paul said it best: “ . . . no longer . . . infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching . . . Instead, . . . we will grow . . .” (Ephesians 4:14-15 NIV).
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