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Every Thursday? Really? Why? What if I run out of stuff to write about? What if once all the hype is over, people stop reading and liking and sharing? What if I find out I’m actually not “good”? What if these writings really aren’t much of a “Thirst QuencHer” after all? What if no one is thirsty? What if they prefer to drink something else?
Is it worth it?
Every Thursday! Yes! Why not? What if God lays a word on my heart to share, I obey and share it? What if after all the hype is over, devotion kicks in and people begin to read His Word, like it and share it. ? What if the “Living Water” referred to in John 4:14 really does keep us from ever being thirsty again? What if just one person is transformed by the words God chooses to use me to express? What if it’s not even about me? What if it’s all about His desire to see a transformation in her: my neighbor, my daughter, my friend, my enemy, my niece, my co-worker, myself? Her.
She’s worth it!
There you have it: a clip of my very own internal dialogue. Sometimes it takes a good ole self-talk to stay the course. Now, consider your own internal dialogue. Are you wrestling with a decision, a resolution, a goal, a commitment? Have you lost sight of what it is all about? If, so, go look in the mirror and talk some sense into her, the person you see. I did, and as a result, effective, this, the 1st Thursday of 2017, I will keep writing! I will keep speaking! And hopefully, you’ll join me! Hopefully, you too will keep at it!
What if God wants to use you and me as conduits through which His will flows? What if He wants to use us to TransformHer with a Word!?!
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Keep writing and speaking sis! You’re needed. You’re valued. And you’re making a difference.
Thanks for the encouraging words!!
Thanks for the encouraging words!!!
When I finished reading the internal dialogue, I yelled out, “C’mon and go positive!!” My daughter and I decided that “going positive” would be how we dealt with our doubts, fears and anxieties. Keep turning those “what ifs” around and you’ll be unstoppable!!!
Oh yeah … by all means I will stay positive and keep keeping at it. I wanted to demonstrate to everyone listening or reading that no matter what you may struggle with internally or even externally, God’s Word and it’s Truths can help us not give up… And sometimes we have to remind ourselves of what those truths are.”Going positive” is indeed the way to go! Thanks so much for your comment.