There we were waiting on the platform in New York City when the subway train we needed pulled up. As the door opened I could hear the automated lady’s voice warn us saying something to the tune of “the doors will be closing… the doors will be closing…” And guess what happened after some designated amount of time? Yep… the doors closed.
The only problem for the two of us was I was on the train and my husband was still on the platform! We locked eyes as I glided by aboard and he stood there left behind.
It did not matter that we were traveling together as a couple. It did not matter that I did not know my way around. It didn’t even matter that there was no cell phone service in the subway terminals. All that mattered was that time was up, therefore the doors closed.
I imagine that the looks on our faces as those doors closed were nothing compared to the looks of panic and devastation on the faces of the people written about in Genesis chapter 7. God had been very patient with his creation, yet they chose sin and death over a relationship with Him. In response, he commanded Noah to build an ark because he was going to flood the Earth and “put an end to all people…” (Genesis 6:13). Noah spent many years building this ark and as a “preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5) we know that he tried to warn the people to choose relationship over rebellion because a flood was coming.
Sadly, no one listened. In Genesis chapter 7, we read that the only people who entered the ark, the only safe place on Earth, were Noah and his family.
Then verse 16 says “the Lord closed the door …” Why did the Lord close the door? Two reasons: to protect the people inside and because time was up.
The doors closed because God said they would. But before His judgment in the form of a flood came His grace in the form of an ark.
Let’s heed the warnings! We have been offered the greater ark of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Get on! And if you’re already in His loving arms, remain! Not only does Christ want to save us from hell, He wants to deliver us to new beginnings in the meantime. The storms of life will come. The flood waters will rise. Get on the ark and be saved and safely brought to the mountaintop for a new life in relationship with Him.
Why now? Why this message? Why are you so serious, Christy?
Here is why: Because the doors will be closing!
How scary for the doors to close with you in one place and your husband in another! Thank you for this great reminder that we need to seek Him now, not later.