The Walker

If you’ve been to a roller-skating rink with children under the age of 10 in the past 2 years, you’ve probably seen a roller-skating walker. This tool is used to help new skaters learn how to skate without the fear of falling. When I first saw one, I was so excited! I could hand one to each of my girls who had zero skating skills and they could take off. Recently we attended a skating party and when we made it to the counter to rent their skates, I asked the guy if they had any walkers. He Continue Reading
The Expert

“You are the expert on you!” “Who me?” “Yes, you!” “Really?” “Yes, really.” “Wow . . . Ok!” That was a snippet of a dialogue between my therapist and me several years ago. (Hey, now... as tempting as it may be, let’s not try to figure out why I went to a therapist. Let’s stay focused on the message at hand ;)) I had never considered myself an expert on anything, especially when it came to making decisions for myself. I always needed a panel of constituents to consult Continue Reading