The next time that image in the mirror, the guy in your life, or the jeans in your closet say you don’t fit, remember the truth of Holy Writ. David said it best as he prayed, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” If your thoughts of you are cruel and mean, Go to Psalm 139 and read verse 14. Continue Reading
I’m Moved
I recently heard a story about a guy who set up a spot in a subway and began to play his violin. Over the course of several hours, most people just hurried right past him headed to their destinations. A few dropped a coin or two in his receptacle. Turns out, this guy was one of the greatest violinist ever, Joshua Bell, playing one of his most intricate pieces of music on a violin worth 3.5 million dollars and who had just sold out a concert hall in which he’d performed a few days prior where Continue Reading
One of Those Days
Today is one of those days when I don’t want to pray. I don’t want to open my Bible and read it. I don’t want to turn on worship music and listen to some artist express how Ioved they are by God and how they stand in awe of that love. I don’t want to read an encouraging devotional or blog post. I don’t even want to reflect on anything or think about anything. I just want to crawl back in my bed, bury myself under my covers, and sleep. Sleep until I feel like waking up. Sleep until things are Continue Reading